After cleansing and toning, apply an appropriate amount to the whole eye area with your fingertips and massage gently in.
- 91%* of trial users found the eye skin looks younger and the ptosis of the eye area is less visible
- 97%* of trial users found the eye contour is more defined.
- In 8 weeks, women perceived underneath eye wrinkles -22%**, crow’s feet wrinkles -43%*** and sagging -36%****.
*self-evaluation of 33 subjects through third party lab, results just for reference.
**vivo tested of 32 subjects after 8 weeks application through third party lab, results just for reference.
***vivo tested of 30 subjects after 8 weeks application through third party lab, results just for reference.
****vivo tested of 26 subjects after 8 weeks application through third party lab, results just for reference.